May 7, 2010

Too long!

It's been much longer since my last post than I would like. I took a trip to the States- California and New York for almost the whole month of April. Although I didn't leave till the beginning of April I was going to various events at the end of March. I got to see some of the cherry blossoms bloom here but overall I missed a large part of the hanami (viewing of cherry blossoms) time. It's okay though because spring in California and New York was quite beautiful.

My computer has been pretty slow so I'll add pictures as soon as possible. I didn't take as many as I thought I would. And in the end there were quite a few of food. But I guess that's the point after all I want to share food and adventures here in Japan and other places I go.

I'll update again soon with pictures. Hope everyone is having a lovely spring. The weather has been really nice here. It rained for a good part of the day yesterday but it let up in the late afternoon.

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