November 26, 2015


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! As much as I would like to be cooking (stuffing myself with) food, I'll be working later today so it's income instead. One of my favorite bloggers, Garance Dore posted this today and I loved that everyone spoke about what they were thankful/grateful for in different areas of their lives. Below is a my take on my life:

Friends: Growing up without siblings (I'm an only child), I always wanted to visit other peoples' homes. Partially from loneliness and partially for just stimulation so I wasn't in my own head so much. I really didn't develop deep friendships with girls my age till about junior year of college. Some of those young women are my dearest and closest friends today. Having lived in NYC now for just over three years I've been able to meet some beautiful, inspiring and positive women who I am so lucky I can call my friends. My mother has always told me that friends are to be treasured. She's completely right. Loving and supportive friends don't come around all the time. Friends are truly the family you choose.

Family: The family I grew up with was very small. Most of my life it was just my mother and I and most of the time one of our family dogs. Growing up I'd visit my grandparents every summer in Japan. My maternal grandfather is someone I continue to admire and respect even though he's passed. Japanese grandfathers aren't much for bubbly affection but his actions spoke loud and clear. I feel so honored that I was his only grandchild. My mother is undoubtedly the most beautiful, strong, inspiring, loving and gracious woman I know. Without her I wouldn't be here and be the woman I am today. In my 20s I was able to get closer to my father's side of the family. With my Japanese side gone, I'm really try to spend quality time with my paternal grandparents. Grandparents are a blast! They've lived through so much and have such exciting stories to tell and lessons to teach. Additionally I've gotten much closer to my cousins, my aunt and my uncle. They've become such solid rocks in my personal life. I look forward to a continuously growing relationship with them.

Work: The restaurant industry is actually for interconnected and small once you're in it. Two to three degrees of separation I'd say. I've been working at Greek restaurant in my neighborhood since late August and honestly they're another family. Greek people are very family-oriented and that influence impacts my colleagues and I. The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere and delicious food. With a smaller staff we can talk about so many things. What I love is that we all have different stories and upbringings, as well as interests which make for a dynamic group. So, although I'm sad I won't get turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes etc... I'm glad that I'll be with my little work family. Additionally I'm glad that I buckled down this year and got my jewelry business started. Entrepreneurship is in my blood and all the various work experiences I've had have led me to today. I'm thankful that I live in a country where a young woman can start her business freely.

Miscellaneous: As if I can't say this enough, I'm so thankful to be in living in one of the greatest cities in the world. New York City overwhelms me with its beauty, opportunities and challenges but I wouldn't have it any other way. My apartment, my neighborhood and the people I know and don't know make me so grateful to call this my home and my future.

Hope you all enjoy time with your loved ones. As the saying goes, "it is not joy that makes us grateful, it is gratitude that makes us joyful". Lastly, I'm grateful to those of you who read my blog. Promise I'll actually write more.


October 21, 2015

Fall Forward

The weather this fall has been up and down. I was Upstate in the Catskills this past weekend for a friend's birthday celebration that included a bonfire, games, hiking and beautiful fall foliage. Apparently it got cold here in NYC. Upstate it even snowed this past Sunday! However, the last two days the temps have been in the 70s. Bizarre right?! Then again, in is NYC. 

Anyway, I wanted to share some of my pictures from the much needed relaxing weekend in the Catskills. 

 First Sunrise 

 Tranquil cottage

Perfect weather

 Nearby creek

 View from the end of the hike


 Couldn't help it ;)

 Cotton candy sunrise

 Can't wait to return

 Little detour through Woodstock

October 5, 2015

Autumn Love

It's that time of year- the magical month of October and autumn! I probably haven't mentioned that it's my favorite season. I think it's in part due to the fact that I prefer cooler temperatures (I always feel like I'm complaining  sharing that I'm too warm). Oddly enough when I was growing up in Hawaii we didn't get the same feeling when the school year started. It was hot and the only thing it meant for me that my summer travels were over. Don't get me wrong, I loved the first day of school. It was SO exciting! New stationary, teachers and friends.

The moment that I really starting loving autumn was when I started college in Upstate New York. Upstate New York has a very long cold season and a brief Spring, Summer and Fall. However, when mid September came around the nights would get cool, the leaves would start to turn color and the sweaters or hoodies would become more visible on campus. There is one absolutely wonderful tree tree on the quad at my alma mater that I still think about every fall. As a close friend and classmate and I talked about this specific tree a couple weeks ago at a mutual friend's wedding, she used the term "perfect". If there was the perfect autumn tree it'd be this one. It turns the most vibrant hues of autumn that I still haven't seen in the time I've lived in Japan or in New York City. The interesting thing about leaves turning colors is that it's very dependent on temperature and moisture. A warm wet Spring, sunny summer days, warm fall days with cool nights produces the brightest fall colors. The last two autumns it seems I saw a lot more yellow and less orange and red. The shape of this tree and its location also added to its charm. It was a very round, full tree and I'm not even sure what type of tree it is but it was close to the Southeast corner of the quad near the science building. If you had a class in that building during the fall semester it was always best to try and convince the professor to have class outdoors just so you could appreciate this tree it all its glory.

Autumn in Japan there brings colors on the maples and gingko trees.  But for me the most amazing thing about fall there was the food. The Japanese are dedicated to eating seasonally and fall brings about oysters, sweet potatoes and rich and oily fish to name a few. Days are sunny and warm and the nights are crisp. The sides of the streams and rivers that are full of sakura (cherry) blossoms in the Spring change color. The desserts in department stores and bakeries change to apples, sweet potatoes and chestnuts. I highly suggest that, for foodie purposes, anyone traveling to Japan make the trip during the fall. You will not be disappointed.

Here in NYC, fashion becomes even more inspiring with the layered looks including boots, scarves and hats. The cooler nights are a refreshing change to the humidity of summer. You no longer need to worry about sweating (mostly) and there's just something about the light during the day that changes and inspires me. Although I'm no longer a student I still find it motivating (remember I do better when its cooler) to write down my goals. The trickiest thing for me is that because I'm always warm, if we were talking about Ayurveda they'd say I have have a lot of fire energy in me. So layering is key but no matter how hard I try I can't bundle up cute like most women of NYC during the fall but I just get too overwhelmed. And then the time I actually feel cold enough it's basically winter weather... An extra fun thing about September and October is that it's fashion week. Beginning with NYC and ending with Paris.

I'm not as big on pumpkin flavors unless it's Kabocha (Japanese pumpkin) soup or tempura or pie so Starbucks can't lure me. Also, I only go to Starbucks when there's absolutely no other option. For coffee it means, no more iced lattes and I start to warm my own coffee mug with hot water to keep the coffee warmer longer. September and October will be my favorites months of the year. Hope you all enjoy this lovely month!!