February 5, 2014

Winter Blues? Never

Where did January go?! How are you all? Surviving winter I hope (if you're in the Northern hemisphere that is). New York City has been getting a significant amount of snow lately. I find it beautiful and exciting until the temperature changes and the pretty snow becomes gross slush. It's been pretty cold as well but somehow I feel like the amount of snow is so much greater in Upstate NY that there's not much to "withstand" here other than wind and cold.

 Again a month has passed and I didn't update my blog. I have a lot of picture to add also. Winter days make for some lovely pictures!

 2014 continues to get more exciting by the week. I was just invited to another friend's wedding which will be held in November of this year. That makes two weddings I'll be attending two months in a row. My childhood best friend is getting married on New Year's Eve and she asked me to be bridesmaid. I'm looking forward to it as I've never been in a bridal party. It's crazy the number of close friends who got engaged over the holiday season. They don't call it the high season for engagements for no reason.

 In other news work has been busy for me. The restaurant is picking up again slowly and with fashion weeks starting tomorrow it's bound to be another crazy but fun week. As the PR person for a designer I'm particularly excited for his show on Sunday. The organization as well as the balance of chaos and calm of a fashion show is what has and still draws me to fashion PR. I actually get really giddy thinking about it. For me this time of year is almost better the holidays. It certainly treats me better!! Additionally my birthday falls right in the middle of New York fashion week. What better present than the attention of the fashion world on NYC with bloggers, editors, photographers, students etc... milling about this FABULOUS city??

 Really trying to get to bed at a reasonable hour on the nights I don't work. Bedtime for me. Good night beauties:)

 P.S. Happy Chinese New Year!! The Year of the Horse here we goooo!!!

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