August 22, 2011

Maui Love

Again, another couple weeks of not writing. I'm so bad. I've been trying to enjoy all that Maui has to offer now that I have a mode of transportation- a used car bought from a friend that moved to the mainland.

I have yet to go surfing even though it's been over three months since I've been here but I think I'll be going soon. Otherwise, I've been going to the beach often, a couple hikes, relaxing at home where it's nice and cool and meeting friends.

There are so many things about growing up on Maui that I've taken for granted and I don't want to do that anymore. So everyday I focus on what I'm grateful for. Maui and my home have allowed me to heal and rejuvenate in so many ways (many of which are probably not obvious to me yet). I know that it will be here whenever I want to come back. Which is why lately I feel a bit antsy to go somewhere/

I have goals and ambitions that are beyond Maui. I have a strong desire to live elsehwere and continue the work I was doing in Japan. However, I deeply feel that I am content with no longer living in Japan and have my eyes set on Europe. I'm hoping for the best. I will need to be a stronger and more courageous person than ever before but I have no doubt that things will work out. I just need to believe in myself and be who I am.

I can owe much of this strength to Maui and the love, inspiration, power and security it has provided. I will keep this with me wherever I go.

I will try to post pictures of my Maui adventures. My own laptop is still acting up so I hope I can do it do very soon.

Hope every one of you has a place in which you can call home and can gain everything you desire from it so that you too can pursue your dreams.

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